Car trips with my family are … interesting

May 22, 2009

We can pack a car like no one else. And once we’re in, we’re in for FUN. On the way from NC to FL, we had the car so packed, Katherine and I could barely see each other, even sitting in the back seat together!

Mom told us to take a “normal” picture of us buried in the backseat.


Jennifer buried in pillows in the front seat.


What my seat looked like before I had to squeeze into it in the morning.


Our car trips are a lot of fun. We turn on silly music and blast it loud and sing along and dance the whole time. Or we turn on Disney music and sing our hearts out. We’re silly, goofy, off-the-wall, and keep each other entertained. I’ve never understood why other people hate car trips.

On our trip from FL to WI, Katherine took the backseat with the dog while Mom and I switched off driving. It made for some cute pictures!

Katherine and Moose sleeping in the backseat.


Katherine wiping the dogs mouth because Mom was feeding him apple and he was drooling ALL OVER Katherine.


Moose occasionally came to visit me (with an unfortunate tendancy to wake me up from naps by drooling on my head).


And he kept trying to climb into the front of the car by iiiiiinching forward along the center console of the car, as if we wouldn’t notice.


One last shot of Katherine and Moose snuggling in the backseat. So cute!


Don’t we seem fun?