Back from my impromptu hiatus

Q: What happens to a sad strawberry?

A: It turns into a blueberry.

I know, I know, it’s like the oldest pun in the book, but for some reason when I saw it today, I went, “Awwww,” so I decided to share. And then I was like, you know what else is “Awwww”? The fact that I haven’t updated my blog in a few weeks. So I thought I’d let y’all know that I’m here and still alive and all. Hopefully this week I’ll get caught up on updates about my last weeks at school, graduation, my time at home now, and other random thoughts. At the moment my room looks like a category 5 hurricane swept through it, since I’m trying to pack for the next 4-6 months all at once. So I’m going to go keep working on that. But love and hugs and kisses to anyone that actually reads this blog!



One Response to Back from my impromptu hiatus

  1. Lily of the Meadow says:

    Haha, I hear you on the room… Mine looks much the same as yours does, and I’m not even packing yet. x.x

    I LOVES YOU!!!!

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